We will be closed on Monday, May 27th 2024, in observance of Memorial Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, May 28th 2024.

Used Oil Water Separators

Enviro-Equipment sells used remediation equipment. The list below is constantly updated, however we typically have items that may not be shown below.

Our inventory of used oil\water separators typically includes equipment from the following quality manufacturers: Carbon Air, Ejector Systems, Great Lakes Environmental, HydroFlo, ORS, Parkson, QED, NEEP ShallowTray, and RSI.

Win bids through Used Oil/Water Separators by paying a fraction of the new price! Used Oil/Water Separators can save you money without added risk of increased downtime. New Equipment combined with Used Equipment will still save you money and allow for more flexibility in Equipment selection.

All of the Oil Water Separators below are available for rent. 

The OSF-4, 10GPM, Gravity Drain, Oil Water Separator places a volume of corrugated Flopak coalescing media into the waste stream, the tank’s flow path brings the oils and solids bearing water to the influent end of the plate pack, it flows horizontally through the pack where oils then encounter the plate surface and are effectively separated from the water, the oil droplets roll up the plate surface begin to coalesce into larger droplets. Then, the larger droplets increased buoyancy pulls the oils away from the surface rising to the water surface. Solids perform the reverse and drop into the sludge hopper bottom.
The OSF-4, 10GPM, Gravity Drain, Oil Water Separator places a volume of corrugated Flopak coalescing media into the waste stream, the tank’s flow path brings the oils and solids bearing water to the influent end of the plate pack, it flows horizontally through the pack where oils then encounter the plate surface and are effectively separated from the water, the oil droplets roll up the plate surface begin to coalesce into larger droplets. Then, the larger droplets increased buoyancy pulls the oils away from the surface rising to the water surface. Solids perform the reverse and drop into the sludge hopper bottom.
The OSF-4, 10GPM, Gravity Drain, Oil Water Separator places a volume of corrugated Flopak coalescing media into the waste stream, the tank’s flow path brings the oils and solids bearing water to the influent end of the plate pack, it flows horizontally through the pack where oils then encounter the plate surface and are effectively separated from the water, the oil droplets roll up the plate surface begin to coalesce into larger droplets. Then, the larger droplets increased buoyancy pulls the oils away from the surface rising to the water surface. Solids perform the reverse and drop into the sludge hopper bottom.
The OSF-4, 10GPM, Gravity Drain, Oil Water Separator places a volume of corrugated Flopak coalescing media into the waste stream, the tank’s flow path brings the oils and solids bearing water to the influent end of the plate pack, it flows horizontally through the pack where oils then encounter the plate surface and are effectively separated from the water, the oil droplets roll up the plate surface begin to coalesce into larger droplets. Then, the larger droplets increased buoyancy pulls the oils away from the surface rising to the water surface. Solids perform the reverse and drop into the sludge hopper bottom.